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Spring is Coming

Spring is coming in the Pacific Northwest! I'm thankful for so much green in our beautiful state. I'm also thankful for sunshine! There have been some beautiful sunny days recently and it makes it so much fun at the ranch! And the snow-capped mountains are incredible!

We've had some new additions and changes with the animals at our ranch. Zion, our mustang colt, has settled right in. He is the sweetest little guy and will follow you around like a puppy. We added Faith, our 16 year old mustang mare, a few weeks ago and she is very sweet as well. She's still getting used to everything here at the ranch, but she's settling in nicely. Faith was a trade for our 1st horse, Bella, who we found just wasn't a good fit for us. And sadly, Lil Bit had some issues and passed away. We still miss her.

Our newest addition is our mini horse, Liberty. She is a 38in. registered miniature/pinto and is so cute and very friendly! We already have a unicorn birthday party scheduled with her. :)

A little over a week ago Monty and Maribel, our Boer goats came to live at Freedom ranch. They are so funny! I never knew goats had such personalities. They'll be having babies,

so stay tuned for when we have some baby goats for sale.

The baby Nigerian dwarf goats are coming the 1st week of April. They are so little and cute. That will be fun!

Zoe's baby Holland Lop bunnies, Marshmellow and Snickerdoodle are getting big. They are adorable! Marshmellow is so fluffy and has so much fur that Zoe gave her a haircut and ended up with a pile of fur that was so much it looked like a whole other bunny! :)

We have eggs! And of course the chickens that go with them. :) Led by their leader, Pierre the rooster. When Pierre 1st came to the ranch, he crowed at 3am. Rich said he must be from the east coast. Yesterday he crowed right at 6am, so he's getting better. :)

I felt like a true farmer when the chickens got out and I had to herd them back into their field. Have you every herded chickens? It's so funny!

Soon we'll have 60 little chicks that we're raising to sell as meat chickens. That will be an exciting adventure!

Freedom Ranch is a very fun place! But it's all about freedom in Jesus Christ and knowing Him! Without Jesus in our lives there is no true peace or freedom. Do you need some peace in your life today? You can know Jesus personally yourself.

Just pray this with me, "Dear Jesus, thank you that you came to give me life. Thank you for giving your life and dying for me to forgive my sin and make me truly free. I receive you into my life right now! Amen!

If you prayed that today, we would love to talk with you! Send us a message! God loves you and He is for you! And who the Son sets free is free indeed!!!

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